This is an ink sample that I got a while ago from Goulet Pens, but I didn't get around to trying out until just now. I also got samples of Noodler's Whaleman's Sepia and Zhivago as well as Private Reserve's Ebony Blue in the same batch. I've been looking for an interesting dark ink, and some of these are really nice.
The ACBB that I'm talking about today is an off-black. It's currently inhabiting my Lamy Vista with a medium nib, and the breadth of that nib gives the ink a bit of room to shade. It's dark enough to use anywhere, I think, but interesting enough not to be boring. (I'm one of those people who thinks that black is a boring color. I know that it's more formal than a blue or a green, but I just don't care.)

The ink shades from pretty dark to a lighter not-quite-green and not-quite-blue. It's like a green/navy, really. Pretty neat effect from an ink. I know there's a good blue in there, too, but you can't really see it unless you let a drop fall on a tissue. I do that sometimes because it lets me see the shades in an ink, and I've shared a pic of that here. (I almost certainly didn't blow my nose on that one.)

The ink doesn't feather or bleed, and it's a little unique so you'll know that it's your signature if you need to be able to tell. It's not waterproof, though, so don't use it for checks and such if you're worried about forgery.
If you're looking for a good not-quite-black, check this one out. It's good.
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